Person in charge
- Tadashi Yamazaki, Associate Professor (Faculty database; Personal page)
- Mao Iwata, Technical Staff
- Daisuke Ichimura, Adjunct Research Scientist (Researcher @ AIST)
- Taira Kobayashi, Adjunct Research Scientist (Assistant Professor @ Yamaguchi University)
- Rin Kuriyama (D3)
- JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC1 (FY2022 – FY2024)
- FY2023 Student Award
- FY2021 Student Award
- FY2019 Meguro Award
- Rin Kuriyama, Claudia Casellato, Egidio D’Angelo, Tadashi Yamazaki. Real-time simulation of a cerebellar scaffold model on graphics processing units. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 15: 623552, 2021.
- Rin Kuriyama, Hideyuki Yoshimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Cerebellar spiking network model as a reinforcement learning machine. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2024) , October 5-9, 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Rin kuriyama, Hideyuki Yoshimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. A cerebellar spiking network model as a reinforcement learning machine. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2023), September 4-6, 2023, Tokyo. Conference Encouragement Award.
- Rin Kuriyama, Hideyuki Yoshimura, Ryohei Hoashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Developing a spiking network model of the cerebellum as a reinforcement learning machine. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2022) , November 12-16, 2022, San Diego, USA (Hybrid).
- Rin Kuriyama, Hideyuki Yoshimura, Ryohei Hoashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Implementation of a cerebellar spiking neural network as a reinforcement learning module. NEURO2022, Jun 30 – July 3, 2022,Okinawa (Hybrid).
- Rin Kuriyama, Tadashi Yamazaki. Realtime simulation of a cerebellar scaffold model on a GPU. 30th Annyal Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), December 2-5, 2020, Online.
- Student in Hackathon on cerebellum modeling (January 15–17, 2020, Pavia, Italy)
- Student in School of Brain Cells & Circuits “Camillo Golgi” (August 27–September 1, 2019, Erice, Italy)
- Kaaya Akira (D3)
- Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan Science Society (FY2024)
- FY2022 Student Award
- 2023 OIST Computational Neuroscience Course(OCNC 2023) student
- 2020 RIKEN CBS Brain Science Training Program student
- Kaaya Tamura, Yuki Yamamoto, Taira Kobayashi, Rin Kuriyama, Tadashi Yamazaki. Discrimination and learning of temporal input sequences in a cerebellar Purkinje cell model. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17,1075005, 2023.
- Kaaya Akira-Tamura, Rin Kuriyama, Mari Iura, Taira Kobayashi, Jun Igarashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Development of a lightweight and customizable biophysical neuron simulator. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2024) , October 5-9, 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Kaaya Tamura, Yuki Yamamoto, Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Learning to discriminate stimulus sequences by dendritic computation of a single cerebellar Purkinje cell model. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2022) , November 12-16, 2022, San Diego, USA (Hybrid).
- Kaaya Tamura, Yuki Yamamoto, Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Learning sequences of parallel fiber stimulation by a cerebellar Purkinje cell model with dendrites. NEURO2022, Jun 30 – July 3, 2022, Okinawa (Hybrid).
- Kaaya Tamura, Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Discrimination of stimulus sequences by dendritic computation. 31th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2021), September 21-23 2021, Online.
- Yusuke Kuniyoshi (D1)
- Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation Research Grant(C) (FY2024 – FY2026)
- FY2023 Student Award
- 2022 RIKEN CBS Brain Science Training Program student
- Yusuke Kuniyoshi, Rin Kuriyama, Shu Omura, Carlos Enrique Gutierrez, Zhe Sun, Benedikt Feldotto, Ugo Albanese, Alois C. Knoll, Taiki Yamada, Tomoya Hirayama, Fabrice O. Morin, Jun Igarashi, Kenji Doya, Tadashi Yamazaki. Embodied bidirectional simulation of a spiking cortico-basal ganglia-cerebellar-thalamic brain model and a mouse musculoskeletal body model distributed across computers including the supercomputer Fugaku. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 17, 1269848, 2023.
- Yusuke kuniyoshi, Rin Kuriyama, Shu Omura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Development of a closed-loop simulation system distributed on the supercomputer Fugaku. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, August 1-4, 2023, SENDAI International center.
- Daiki Matsumoto (M2)
- Tomohiro Mitsuhashi (M1)
- Tomohiro Mitsuhashi, Koji Ikezoe, Kazuo Kitamura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Learning to shape simple spike trains by experimentally obtained complex spike data in a cerebellar spiking network model. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2023), September 4-6, 2023, Tokyo.
- Tomohiro Mitsuhashi, Koji Ikezoe, Kazuo Kitamura,Tadashi Yamazaki. Computer simulation of shaping simple spike activity by complex spikes obtained from calcium imaging data in cerebellar motor learning. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, August 1-4, 2023, SENDAI International center.
- Takeki Mukaida (M1)
- Nanako Wakasugi (M1)
- Mari Iura (M1)
- Takashi Kusano (M1)
- Masaharu Yonezawa (M1)
- Mitsuru Inoue (M1)
- Yuto Tokumitsu (B4)
- Towa Muranaka (B4)
- Masahumi Ikeyama (B4)
- Shu Omura (M2)
- Ryo Maeoka (M2)
- Kaoru Shiga (B4)
- Master course student at University of Kyoto since April 2023
- Taira Kobayashi (D3)
- Assistant Professor at Yamaguchi University since April 2022
- FY2021 Student Award
- FY2020 Student Award
- 2019 JNNS Autumn School ASCONE Tutor
- Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Parallel numerical simulation of a multicompartment network model of the cerebellum on GPU. 29th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society. September 3–6, 2019, Tokyo Tech.
- Student in Hackathon on cerebellum modeling (January 15–17, 2020, Pavia, Italy)
- 2020 Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course (OCNC) Student (Cancelled)
- Taira Kobayashi, Rin Kuriyama, Tadashi Yamazaki. Testing an explicit method for multi-compartment neuron model simulation on a GPU. Cognitive Computation, OnlineFirst(Formal Citation will be 15: 1118-1131, 2023).
- Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. A new acceleration method for multi-compartment neuron model simulation. 43rd Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuroscience2020 Kobe), July 29-Aubust 1, 2020, Online. Domestic Travel Award.
- Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Simulation of multicompartment neuron models using an explicit PDE solver. 30th Annyal Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), December 2-5, 2020, Online.
- Taira Kobayashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. An explicit method to accelerate simulation of a cerebellar multi-compartment network model. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, July 28-31, 2021, Kobe (Hybrid).
- Taira Kobayashi, Rin Kuriyama, Tadashi Yamazaki. High-performance simulation of multi-compartment models using an explicit method. 31th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2021), September 21-23 2021, Online.
- Katsuhiko Hasegawa (M2)
- Received FY2021 Meguro Award
- Katsuhiko Hasegawa, Taira Kobayashi, Masashi Ogaki, Tadashi Yamazaki. Numerical simulation of neurons in the inferior olive with precise spatial structure. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, July 28-31, 2021, Kobe (Hybrid).
- Katsuhiko Hasegawa, Taira Kobayashi, Masashi Oogaki, Tadashi Yamazaki. Numerical simulation of an inferior olivary network model composed of neurons with fine spatial structures. 31th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2021), September 21-23 2021, Online.
- Tomoya Hirayama (M2)
- Tomoya Hirayama, Rin Kuriyama, Taiki Yamada, Tadashi Yamazaki. Development of distributed brain-body simulation environment Using Neurorobotics Platform. 31th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2021), September 21-23 2021, Online.
- Taiki Yamada (B4)
- Master course student at University of Tokyo since April 2022
- Received FY2021 Meguro Award
- 2021 RIKEN CBS Summer Program student
- Ryohei Hoashi (M2)
- Ryohei Hoashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Building a spiking neural network of the cerebellum performing reinforcement learning. 30th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), December 2-5, 2020, Online..
- Hiroshi Yamaura, Research Scientist
- Hiroshi Yamaura, Jun Igarashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Simulation of a human-scale cerebellar network model on the K computer. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 14:16, 2020.
- Hiroshi Yamaura, Jun Igarashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. A spiking network model of the cerebrocerebellar communication loop. 27th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2017), Sep 20-22, 2017, Kitakyushu International Conference Center.
- Hiroshi Yamaura, Jun Igarashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Scalable simulation of cerebellar corticonuclear microcomplexes using a tile-based neural network simulator on K supercomputer. 41th Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuroscience2018 Kobe), July 26-29, 2018, Kobe.
- Hiroshi Yamaura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Purkinje cells in a cerebellar neural network model acquire climbing fiber driven activity modulation for accurate movements. The 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2018) , November 3-7, 2018, San Diego, USA.
- Hiroshi Yamaura, Jun Igarashi, Tadashi Yamazaki. Building a spiking network model of the cerebellum on K computer using NEST and MONET simulators. Computational Neuroscience (CNS*2019), July 13-17 2019, Barcelona,Spain.
- Daisuke Ichimura (D3)
- Postdoctoral fellow at the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST) since December 2020
- Received FY2019 Student Award
- Received FY2016 Meguro Award
- Received FY2014 Student Award
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. A Pathological Condition Affects Motor Modules in a Bipedal Locomotion Model. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 13:79, 2019.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Satoshi Yano, Tadashi Yamazaki. Computer simulation of a cerebellar-musculoskeletal model for bipedal locomotion with feedback compensation of foot contact. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Japanese Edition) Vol.J100-D No.8 pp.808-816, 2017.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Satoshi Yano, Tadashi Yamazaki. Dynamical simulation of a brain-musculoskeletal system for rehabilitation. 8th Motor Control Workshop. Aug 7-9, 2014, Tsukuba University.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Computer simulation of a brain-musculoskeletal dynamical model for bipedal walking towards personalized rehabilitation. Neuroscience 2015, October 17-21, 2015, Chicago, USA.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Parameter tuning for stable bipedal walking of a neuromusculoskeletal model by genetic algorithms. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience) 2016, November 12-16, San Diego, USA.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Computer simulation of a pathological walk using a small humanoid robot. 27th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2017), Sep 20-22, 2017, Kitakyushu International Conference Center.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Simulation Study of Bipedal Locomotion using Motor Modules.The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018), October 24-27, 2018, OIST, Okinawa.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Simulation study of bipedal walking based on motor modules of synergistic muscle activations. The 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2018) , November 3-7, 2018, San Diego, USA.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Neuromusculoskeletal model for bipedal locomotion under a pathological condition. Computational Neuroscience (CNS*2019), July 13-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Daisuke Ichimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Simulation of bipedal locomotion in normal and pathological conditions. 29th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society. September 3–6, 2019, Tokyo Tech.
- Yui ICHIKAWA, Daisuke ICHIMURA, Rie ASADA, Tadashi YAMAZAKI. Classification of caretakers’ trajectory: A time-series classifier approach. IEICE Technical Report NC2019-78(2020-03), Technical Committee on Neurocomputing, March 5, 2020, Tokyo (the meeting was cancelled)
- Hideyuki Yoshimura (M2)
- Ph.D. Student of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School, JP since April 2020
- Hideyuki Yoshimura, Hiroki Kurashige, Tadashi Yamazaki. Real-time Reinforcement Learning Using a Spiking Neuron Network Model of Basal Ganglia. 2018 GPU Technology Conference (GTC), March 26-29, 2018, San Jose, California.
- Hideyuki Yoshimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Online reinforcement learning by a spiking network model of the basal ganglia. NICE (Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements) 2019 Workshop. March 26–28, 2019, Albany, NY.
- Hideyuki Yoshimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Developing a spiking neuron network model of the basal ganglia performing reinforcement learning. Computational Neuroscience (CNS*2019), July 13-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Hideyuki Yoshimura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Purely spike-based implementation of temporal difference error and state-value function in reinforcement learning. 29th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society. September 3–6, 2019, Tokyo Tech.
- Taro Sunagawa (M2)
- Internship at Dwango AI Lab (October 2018 – March 2019)
- Selected as a student in Nengo Summer School (Jun 9-21, 2019 at Ontario, Canada)
- Taro Sunagawa, Tadashi Yamazaki. Integration of a reinforcement learning module in REACH model for adaptive arm control. Computational Neuroscience (CNS*2019), July 13-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Taro Sunagawa, Kosuke Miyoshi, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Tadashi Yamazaki. Extention of REACH model with an actor-critic model and its application to adaptive arm control. 29th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society. September 3–6, 2019, Tokyo Tech.
- Rie Asada, Technical Staff
- Yui ICHIKAWA, Daisuke ICHIMURA, Rie ASADA, Tadashi YAMAZAKI. Classification of caretakers’ trajectory: A time-series classifier approach. IEICE Technical Report NC2019-78(2020-03), Technical Committee on Neurocomputing, March 5, 2020, Tokyo (the meeting was cancelled)
- Yui Ichikawa, Technical Staff
- Yui ICHIKAWA, Daisuke ICHIMURA, Rie ASADA, Tadashi YAMAZAKI. Classification of caretakers’ trajectory: A time-series classifier approach. IEICE Technical Report NC2019-78(2020-03), Technical Committee on Neurocomputing, March 5, 2020, Tokyo (the meeting was cancelled)
- Hiroki Kurashige, Research Scientist (Tenure-track lecturer of Tokai University since November 2018)
- Wataru Furusho (M2)
- Received FY2018 Meguro Award
- Wataru Furusho, Tadashi Yamazaki. Implementation of Learning Mechanisms on a Cat-scale Cerebellar Model and its Simulation. 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2017. 2017年9月11-14日, Sardinia, Italy.
- Wataru Furusho, Tadashi Yamazaki. Speeding up the cat-scale artificial cerebellum for online learning. 27th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2017), Sep 20-22, 2017, Kitakyushu International Conference Center.
- Wataru Furusho, Tadashi Yamazaki. Development of a Monkey-Scale Artificial Cerebellum with Online Learning Capability and its simulation on Supercomputer Gyoukou. The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018), October 24-27, 2018, OIST, Okinawa.
- Wataru Furusho, Tadashi Yamazaki. Development of large-scale artificial cerebellum and its petaflops simulation on PEZY-SC2 processor. The 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2018) , November 3-7, 2018, San Diego, USA.
- Tsukasa Tsuyuki (M2)
- Received FY2015 Meguro Award
- 2017 Kobe HPC Spring School student
- 2016 Kobe HPC Summer School student
- Tsukasa Tsuyuki, Yuki Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamazaki. Computer simulation of neuron models with spatial structure on graphics processing units. Advances in Neuroinformatics 2016, May 28–29, 2016, RIKEN.
- Tsukasa Tsuyuki, Yuki Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamazaki. Efficient numerical simulation of neuron models with spatial structure on graphics processing units. Neuroinformatics 2016, September 3-4, 2016, Reading, UK.
- Tsukasa Tsuyuki, Yuki Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamazaki. Efficient numerical simulation of neuron models with spatial structure on graphics processing units. A. Hirose et al. (Eds.): ICONIP 2016, Part IV, LNCS 9950, pp. 279–285, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46681-1 34
- Tsukasa Tsuyuki, Yuki Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamazaki. Multi compartment model simulation of cerebellar granule layer. 27th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2017), Sep 20-22, 2017, Kitakyushu International Conference Center.
- Ohki Katakura (M2)
- Ph.D. Student of University of Hertfordshire, UK since October 2018
- Received FY2016 Student Award
- Received FY2014 Meguro Award
- Accepted as a student in 2014 JNNS Autumn Schoool for Computational Neuroscience (ASCONE)
- Ohki Katakura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Feedback signals improve robustness of the representation of time (Oral presentation). 24th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2014), Aug 27-29, 2014, Future University Hakodate, Hokkaido.
- Ohki Katakura, Tadashi Yamazaki. A theoretical model for robust representation of the passage of time by feedback signals. Neuroscience 2015, October 17-21, 2015, Chicago, USA.
- Ohki Katakura, Tadashi Yamazaki. Computational model of the cerebellum and the basal ganglia for interval timing learning. A. Hirose et al. (Eds.): ICONIP 2016, Part IV, LNCS 9950, pp. 244–251, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46681-1 30
- Ohki Katakura, Tadashi Yamazaki. A unified model of the cerebellum and the basal ganglia for temporal information processing. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience) 2016, November 12-16, San Diego, USA.
- Masato Gosui (M2)
- Masato Gosui, Tadashi Yamazaki. Real-world-time simulation of memory consolidation in a large-scale cerebellar model. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 10: 21 (1–10), 2016. (Open Access)
- Masato Gosui, Tadashi Yamazaki, Yoko Yamaguchi. Accelerating NEURON Simulator by GPU. GPU Technology Conference (GTC14), Mar 24-27, 2014, San Jose, California, USA.
- Masato Gosui, Tadashi Yamazaki. Realtime simulation of memory consolidation in a large-scale cerebellar model. INCF Congress Neuroinformatics 2015. Aug 20-22, 2015, Cairns, Australia.
- Yuki Yamamoto (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, from 6/1 to 11/20 as an internship student)
- Accepted as a student in 2015 JNNS Autumn Schoool for Computational Neuroscience (ASCONE)
- Yuki Yamamoto, Tadashi Yamazaki. Dendritic discrimination of temporal input sequences in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Computational Neuroscience (CNS*2019), July 13-17, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Shusei Yasumuro (B4)
- Manabu Inaba (M2, becoming an official member since 2013. Formerly affiliated by Yamamoto Lab., Dept Comm Eng Inf)
- Received FY2013 Meguro Award
- Accepted as a student in 2012 JNNS Autumn Schoool for Computational Neuroscience (ASCONE)
- Manabu Inaba, Tadashi Yamazaki. Reinforcement Learning of Teacher Signals for Supervised Learning. Neuro 2013. Jun 20-23 2013, Kyoto, Japan.
- Manabu Inaba, Tadashi Yamazaki. An Actor-Critic Model of Saccade Adaptation. Computational Neuroscience (CNS 2013). Jul 14-16 2013, Paris, France. (A part of travel fee was supported by UEC 80th Anniversary Fund)
- Mamoru Kubota (M2, affiliated by Nishino Lab., Dept Informatics)
- Mamoru Kubota, Tadashi Yamazaki, Tetsuro Nishino. Self-organization of motor primitives from motion data of humanoid robot. Neuro 2013. Jun 20-23 2013, Kyoto, Japan.
- Mamoru Kubota, Tadashi Yamazaki, Tetsuro Nishino. Brain-Inspired Motion Programming for Hobby-Use Humanoid Robots. 14th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2013), Jul 1-3 2013, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Bill Lennon (2013 6/18-8/20, JSPS Summer Program Internship)
- William Lennon, Tadashi Yamazaki, Robert Hecht-Nielsen. A Model of In Vitro Plasticity at the Parallel Fiber – Molecular Layer Interneuron Synapses. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 9:150, 2015. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00150.
- William Lennon, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Tadashi Yamazaki. A spiking network model of cerebellar Purkinje cells and molecular layer interneurons exhibiting irregular firing. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8, 157 (pp. 1-10), 2014.
- William C Lennon Jr, Tadashi Yamazaki, Robert Hecht-Nielsen. A computational model of the cerebellum with learning at parallel fiber – Basket cell synapses. Program No. 469.18. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online. 43rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Nov 9-13, 2013, San Diego, California, USA.
- William Lennon, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, Tadashi Yamazaki. A simulation of cerebellar function with learning at parallel fiber – molecular layer interneurons. Program No. 341.09. 2014 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2014. Online. 44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Nov 15-19, Washington DC, USA.